Field | Description | Required | example |
name | Full formal name. | yes | Andrew Watkins |
current validated email | yes | andrew@voluntarily.nz | |
nickname | short informal name. | no | Andrew |
about | free text description of the person | no | |
location | region of nz where the person is likely to volunteer. Allows recommendation of activities by location | no | Northland |
phone | contact phone number - allows organisers to get in touch with volunteers | no | +64 027 7031007 |
ImgUrl, ImgUrlsm | image that represents the person - a photo or avatar graphic. | no | |
pronoun | how a person would prefer to be addressed in communications. | no | he/him/his, she/her/her, them/their/their |
language | language person would prefer to see website content in. - currently unused. | no | EN |
website, facebook, twitter | URL of a website representing the person, social media handles allowing a person to share more about themselves to the groups they are working with. | no | |
education | highest level of education. used to help organisers select appropriate volunteers and for demongraphic stats. | no | Bachelor Degree |
sendEmailNotifications | flag to inhibit sending of emails if person has unsubcribed | yes | true |
role | array of values giving permission for the person to access various functions on the platform | yes | ‘Opportunity Provider’ indicates permission to create new opportunities. |
status | whether the person is active or inactive on the site - allows a person to not receive invitations without them having to resign from the platform. | yes | active |
dateAdded | date the person record was created. shows how long the person has been enrolled on the site. not public | yes | |
tags | array of keywords indicating persons interests and skills. Allows recommendation of activities by interest. | no | ['python', ‘swimming’ ] |
Proposed but not currently implemented
Field | Description | Required | example |
Food Preference | Any food preferences, allergy information etc. Not public but available to event organisers. | no | Vegan, Peanut allergy |
Accessibility | Any access issues or information. Not public but available to event organisers. | no | hearing impaired, wheelchair. |
Transport | whether the volunteer has a car/drivers licence and may be able to travel longer distances or carry passengers. Not public but available to event organisers. May result in recommendations in rural areas. | no | Minibus and PSV Licence. |
Will the mandatory information allow people to fully access and use the Voluntarily platform? (If no, what other information would be required?)
OrgAdmin will have to make use of the functionality provided by the platform. Some summary information on engagement may be condensed into reports made available to member organisations.
Test data
What data will be used for testing during the construction of the Voluntarily platform?