- used to track accomplishments from completing user profile or police vetting to giving a talk or volunteering 10 times.
- Microcredentials
- Uses OB2. Voluntarily provides a backpack to hold credentials
- Tracks you your volunteering history
- Tracks teacher engagment
- export to LMS, Linked IN etc.
- A thing you can do.
- comes from activity providers.
- may be grouped into programmes
- will require implementation using resources
- volunteers can offer to provide an activity
- when vps show interest in an activity they mean that may be available to help deliver it.
- created by a teacher (op)
- based on an activity or original
- based on a previous opportunity (run again).
- identifies the resources required
- people can sign up and show interest in an opportunity
- may be fixed event - time/location or floating - a call or background work. - has a type.
- always takes time - committment.commitment.
- workflow→ draft, published, happening now, completed, cancelled.
- completion ops moved to archive/history along with feedback and collected media/stories
- a relationship between a volunteer and an opportunity or activity
- has a life cycle from showing interest, to being invited and committing to attend,through to completion.
- people can have many interests and opportunities can have many interested people.
- op/vp workflow → interested, invited, committed, attended/not attended/withdrawn
- notifications (email or other) sent to parties involved on each transition
- op can message all or subgroup of vps
- vps can message op
Search for Opportunities
- done by volunteers looking for something to do
- search by text, date, region, and keywords
- results sorted by distance in time and space (relevance)
- paginate long lists
Recommended Opportunities
- shown to volunteers on their home page
- based on skills, previous interests, upcoming and location
Search for Activities
- done by teachers (ops) looking for something to do
- search by keyword - topic, age range
Search for People (find volunteers)
- done by teachers looking for people to help them
- generates a shortlist of people based on skills, availability, location etc
- allows teacher to send out a would you be interested in helping message
Browse by Activity provider and Activity
- for teachers - show list of all activity providers
- select an ap. see list of all their activities - grouped by programme/bundle)
- select an activity
- measures the effectiveness of each activity/opportunity/engagement
- both quantative - count things, and qualitative - tell stories