We need to write knowledge-base articles so that people who use Voluntarily can find help themselves before asking. There are three main categories that we are creating within:
About Voluntarily - why we do what we do - e.g. why are we collecting information about hobbies? why are we collecting someone’s pronouns?
Troubleshooting - How to do certain things on the platform - e.g. I forgot my password
How-To Articles - Curated best practice from around the globe on the topics that Voluntarily users are asking for help on.
In your browser, navigate to: voluntarily.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/VSP/overview
On the left panel, select the article type:
About Voluntarily - helpful information about Voluntarily
Troubleshooting articles - provide solutions to problems or help with analysis
How-to articles - Use a how-to article to provide step-by-step instructions to complete a task or answer a question. Keep your how-to articles organised in a Knowledge Base space.
If you are creating an “About Voluntarily” article:
Hover over ‘About Voluntarily’ and Select +
Select the Blank page template (purple icon). Select “Create” (lower right button)
On the Create page, Type your title / question in ‘Give this page a title’
Type your answer, type / (forward slash) to add images, gifs, and other cool things.
Select Publish (upper right of screen)
If you are creating a “Troubleshooting” article:
Click on Troubleshooting articles and you get a page where there is a button that says “Add troubleshooting Article”
clicking on that will give you a popup to fill in.
Put your name in and click Create, finish it off by clicking on Publish.
If you are creating a “How-To” article:
Click on How-To Articles, and you will get a page with a button that says “Add How-To Article”
Click on that, and you will get a pop-up which will lead you through the rest.
No matter what type of article you have written, test whether your article can be found in a search at the customer portal:
Navigate to: voluntarily.atlassian.net/servicedesk/customer/portals
In the ‘Welcome!’ open search field, type your article title or keywords.
Your new article should be available to view.