- heart of the system - people who have skills and want to help
- different levels of involvement, calls, advice, showing up, attending events, helping hand. talks and presentations
- easy sign up. manage home page profile telling people what you can offer.
- more generally anyone who wants to ask for something - opportunity providers
- can browse potential activities and create new opportunities
- can manage volunteers, invite people
- can see where people are at in being school ready
Activity Providers
- Create content - things to do
- may deliver content and activities in conjunction with volunteers
- also manage volunteers and invitations
- Content is a repeatable pattern, a useable resource or an activity requiring time,space, people, gear and money.
- can be trainers and facilitators
- Major concept that changes this from a person to person platform to a group to group platform
- orgs use for schools (opportunity providers), businesses (volunteer providers), Content/Activity Providers and other resource providers
- Each org gets a home page and promotes their thing - about them and their listings, offerings etc.
- orgs can provide customised pages into the system.
- orgs can manage cohorts of their own volunteers
- single sign on for businesses
- embedded listings for businesses
- Reporting and Dashboard information - Understanding Impact
- Training for Orgs - how to have an impact
- people can belong to an organisation. - usually sharing an email domain
- people can follow an organisation - preferentially listing their activities
- used to track accomplishments from completing user profile or police vetting to giving a talk or volunteering 10 times.
- Microcredentials
- Uses OB2. Voluntarily provides a backpack to hold credentials
- Tracks you volunteering history
- export to LMS, Linked IN etc.
- The experience from Sign up to First event
- simple first sign on - uses existing social media accounts, no extra work to register
- collects profile information as you go
- Training materials - what to expect when ...
- Health and Safety
- School Ready
- School Safe
- First Feedback.
- A thing you can do.
- comes from activity providers.
- may be grouped into programmes
- will require implementation using resources
- volunteers can offer to provide an activity
- when vps show interest in an activity they mean that may be available to help deliver it.
- A real instance of an activity.
- identifies the resources required
- people can sign up and show interest in an opportunity
- may be fixed event - time/location or floating - a call or background work.
- always takes time - committment.
- a relationship between a volunteer and an opportunity or activity
- has a life cycle from showing interest, to being invited and committing to attend,through to completion.
- people can have many interests and opportunities can have many interested people.