These are the tools we use
- Slack - internal team messaging
- Gitter - external chatroom & messaging, all contributors
- WhatsApp - phone and non business chatter
- Google Meet - Video conferences
- Skype - when required
- Google Docs - internal team, formal documents: slides, sheets, words etc.
- Atlassian Confluence - open team documentation
- Programming Language - Javascript
- Node
- Git - Source code management
- GitHub - Source code repository
- MongoDB
- IDE - any, but we recommend VS Code.
Common IDE Plugins
- Atlassian Jira and Bitbucket - brings Jira tickets into IDE
- Azure Cosmos DB - view onto the database
- JS Standard - code quality and lint checker
- GitLens - view into github
Notable Production Node libraries
- Babel - Browser Compatability
- CASL - API Security
- Uppy - Image uploader
- Next - Core framework - server side rendering
- AntDesign - UI Components and CSS
- Auth0 - Authentication and User registration
- Express - Web server
- Intl - Internationalisation
- Moment - date and time utilities
- Mongoose/ Mongoose Crudify - MongoDB library
- Nodemailer - email
- Quill - Rich text editor
- React - client side component framework
- Redux/ReactRedux - client side state management
- Styled-compenents - CSS
Notable Development Node libraries
- Ava - Test framework
- Axios - API calls
- eslint - syntax checker
- codecov - code coverage (cloud side)
- enzyme - react test
- fetch-mock - mock for api calls
- mongodb-memory-server - mock for mongodb
- nyc - code coverage (developer side)
- redux-ava/redux-mock-store - mock for redux
- sinon - test utils
- standard - syntax checker
- supertest - server api test
- testcafe - end to end testing
- AVA - unit and functional tests
- Enzyme - react support
- TestCafe - end to end testing
- BrowserStack - cloud service for browser and mobile emulation and testing.
CI/CD - Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment
- Docker & Docker-compose - application containers
- CirrusCI - cloud service for CI/CD plug in to GitHub
- CodeCov - cloud service for code coverage monitoring
Cloud Services
- AWS - ECR, Elastic Container Registry - stores docker images
- AWS - ECS, Elastic Container Service - docker hosting
- AWS - S3, file storage for uploaded images
- AWS - SES, Simple Email Service, SMTP server
- AWS - Cloudwatch, logging and monitoring
- MongoDB - Atlas, database as a service. (
- Auth0 - Identity Management ServiceĀ (
AWS Regions
- ap-southeast-1, Singapore - Alpha site
- ap-southeast-2, Sydney - Beta site
Project management,
Content & Content Management System