Terms and Taxonomy

Terms and Taxonomy


Activity - A thing that can be done, (act)
Opportunity - A chance for volunteers to participate in an activity.  (op)
  • Event - an activity/opportunity at a specific time and place
  • Call - an online conversation to support or help complete an activity
  • Support - ongoing stuff people do to to complete an activity 


Voluntarily - Platform provider
TEC - Activity Provider (AP)
School - Opportunity Provider (OP)
Corps - Volunteer Provider (VP).


Volunteer - Person who takes up an Opportunity (member of a VP)
Contributor - Person who helps develop the platform (supporter of voluntarily platform )
Activity Designer/Content Designer - Person who writes activities (member of an AP)
Requestor (Teacher) - Person responsible for and requesting the opportunity/event
OfferOrg - (School) the organisation the requestor is working on behalf of. 
TEC is an organisation that is running/sponsoring a programme called Inspiring the future.  ITF is the activity provider. It has a specific educational goal, its own presence on the platform/ home page etc.  
It has a catalogue of Activities - panel, 20 questions etc.  each suited for specific purposes. 
ITF has a ‘membership’ of volunteers - people from the overall pool who are interested in doing ITF activities and have received the necessary training/onboarding. They originate from a wide range of corporates. (Who may or may not be listed in Voluntarily)
Each school (OP) decides to run one or more ITF Events so a designated requestor will select the activity they want to do and list it on Voluntarily.  
The platform will try to meet the volunteer requirements of the event. 


I am Volunteering 
To DO activity
Organised BY a requestor AT an OP
I am volunteering from Xero for ITF at an event on ‘date’ to participate in ‘meet the experts’ organized by Nicola at Ponsonby Primary School. 

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