
Root Organisation

System Admin capabilities
Default Templates for Activities
Generic Badges and Awards
Exemplar orgs for Volunteers who don’t belong to a corporate.

Activity Provider

Onboarding Org
Complete profile
Onboarding Members

Opportunity Provider (school)

Onboarding Org

pre-init from database of schools.

find source of data and decide on values that we will pre-fill e.g principle, location, about, decile - or new value.

active/inactive org accounts -

school profile
volunteer resources - guides, policy etc.
Onboarding Members (staff) the people you want to create requests.

    automatically add to school as a member -

handle teacher wanting to bring their school onboard.

initial goals - profile completion, volunteer ready, first activities

Org Completion reporting

available to SysAdmin, and Agency reports.

  • who exists
  • who has an admin setup
  • who has completed profile
  • who has added members
  • who has created an opportunity
  • Number of ops completed.

Extract filtered lists and contact details for bulk notifications.

Volunteer Provider

Onboarding Org

Auth SSO integration
Policy setup
Onboarding members
bulk init
auto join by email

Embedding content in intranet

initial goals - profile completion, org is ready for vols to start being interested in ops

Activity Creation (works for AP)

Create new Activity
content for teachers - checklists, tags, metadata
content for volunteers - advert, images
Define requirements (Badges)
Define awards (other badges for completion)
Define activity lifecycle - notifications before, during, after
Custom communications
Attach/deliver resources
revision control

Opportunity Creation

Activity Discovery and selection
Promoted activities - first things to do
Complete Op details
set additional requirements
field for stuff you need to know once invited.

transfer resources to the op from act

upload/link any new resources to the op.

Volunteer Experience

Opportunity discovery and selection
Expression of interest -
Eligibility. - skills and badge matching.
Q&A conversations
meeting Requirement goals - understand the requirements and do the work to get badges.
Content workflows - learning materials go to a LMS.
Badge claiming
Invitation & Commitment, calendar items ( ICS doesn't work in Outlook)

Follow up and feedback
Next challenge

Opportunity Management

Promote and Shoulder Tap. (Find volunteers)
Share opportunity, poster, email, social media etc.
Review interested people
Answer questions - email.
Invite people and track commitment
See badge goal progress
Comms and notifications, contact details
Pre op resources - info for volunteers, bulk emails.
Checklists from Org, Op and Activity
maintain list of alternatives
Week before, Day before notifications
On day attendance
Call for backup

Opportunity Completion

Cancel or Complete opportunity
Move to archive
record attendance
record feedback, satisfaction
comms for thanking participants
rating and reputation
Create new OP from previous one. (Run again)

Badge Engine

API to badgr
Issue badges
List badges
Badge claim widget - to integrate into content courses

Badge Issuer

Org becomes a badge issuer (training)
Org Defines badges - meaning and criteria
Add badges as requirements to act, ops or members

Content Engine (External)

Org defines coursework and workflows
Volunteer consumes content, validates results.
Org links course to badge - request and response

Matching Engine

Searching and Filters
Search by requirements
Recommendations for Volunteer
Recommendations for Teacher
Org set priorities for recommendations