1812 - Hackfest feature list
Potential Features
Have companies that have signed up/registered with voluntarily already pre-registered on the drop down option and a way to link this up with the corporate. PLUS an other to add 'not volunteering under my company' or 'company not signed up to voluntarily'
For content providers and schools add details about any pre-event requirements (ie, 1 hour of training online before hand, police vetting needed, BYO laptop, etc)
More information here (driven by content team) around requirements this (ie, prep time - ie, 1 hour pre training week before, you need to be police checked, you need to watch a 5 min video before attending this event about the event, etc)
Gamification - 'badge' for creating profile (gain more badges as you take on more opportunities
When registering as a volunteer, should I need to provide more details on what's needed (ie, requirements) Someone who's happy to work with kids (7 - 9 year olds)
Location based (school in West Auckland)
As a volunteer will I be able to confirm dates/time? (ie, some time in the week commending 6th May)
Do I need a section for 'Any other information' (ie, pre training offered - what the commitment needed is for this, will you be expected to present and talk about your background/what you do, etc)
Will we need separate volunteer / organization / school logins? How important is this user model if we need one?
How will we differentiate ongoing commitments or if I can only make one week of a 30. -week series?
e.g. open 1 August, close 20 Sept
e.g. ongoing (2018)
e.g. every monday until 30 Nov 2018
Is it mandatory for all opportunities to include resources?
Will hours be negotiable?
Will we separate skilled / unskilled work?
opportunities showing will be pre-populate from the skills you've put in your profile - is this right?
Also - do you have the option to look at other opportunities with other skills.
Is there a category where where no specific skills are needed (ie, hour of code or volunteering for OMG Tech, etc)
Linkedin integrations? Pull skills and endorsements?
Capture spoken languages at signup? Could be overdoing it… Maybe in profile page? Or as part of an email campaign