Setup the schools database

Setup the schools database

The Schools database is provided to simplify the creation of new School Organisations on the Voluntarily Platform. When a new School Ambassador is invited onto the platform Invite someone to setup a new Organisation They can pick the school from a drop down list. The data for this list is provided by an API call `api/schools` which in turn is provided by a database collection `schoollookups`

The schema for this collection is

const schoolLookUpSchema = new Schema({ schoolId: { type: Number, required: true }, name: { type: String }, telephone: { type: String }, emailDomain: { type: String, required: true }, contactName: { type: String }, contactEmail: { type: String }, website: String, address: String, schoolType: { type: String, enum: Object.values(SCHOOL_TYPES), required: true }, decile: Number })


If the dropdown of schools has no data, or the collection needs to be refreshed with new data then an admin must run a command line script to update the collection from an external NZ schools database API.

For Developers

node --http-parser=legacy x/db/import-schools.js 

Note that this will fail on recent Node versions with an error on a stray char in the response headers. Node LTS 12 works though, and probably should be the version used for the project in any case.

For Production Cloud Servers

set MONGODB_URI environment variable to the selected database.



and then run

node --http-parser=legacy x/db/import-schools.js 


Output is

Inserted 82 schools Inserted 176 schools Inserted 266 schools Inserted 357 schools Inserted 454 schools Inserted 545 schools Inserted 634 schools Inserted 724 schools Inserted 813 schools Inserted 906 schools Inserted 997 schools Inserted 1088 schools Inserted 1183 schools Inserted 1274 schools Inserted 1365 schools Inserted 1453 schools Inserted 1536 schools Inserted 1631 schools Inserted 1724 schools Inserted 1817 schools Inserted 1900 schools Inserted 1983 schools Inserted 2069 schools Inserted 2159 schools Inserted 2250 schools Inserted 2302 schools Done

Testing the school invite process (uses local docker dev environment)

  1. Import schools, run these commands to get your local docker environment ready:

    x/docker-dev/npm.sh ci x/docker-dev/up.sh x/docker-dev/console.sh # you will be prompted to select a container here # press 1<ENTER> to use the web container # this will open a console inside the web container # run this command now: node --http-parser=legacy x/db/import-schools.js exit # you should now be back in your original terminal # the rest of the steps can be completed from your browser
  2. Open browser and go to local Voluntarily app (http://localhost:3122)

  3. Login with an admin account

  4. Go to http://localhost:3122/admin/goals

  5. Click the “Load Goals” button

  6. Go to http://localhost:3122/admin/invite-school

  7. Fill out the invite form

  8. Logout of Voluntarily with your admin account

  9. Open mailhog (http://localhost:8025)

  10. You should see an email with the subject "[DEVELOPMENT] Your school has been invited to Voluntarily"

  11. Click the button "Sign up and activate your school" in the email

  12. This should take you to the Auth0 login/sign up screen

  13. Either login with an existing account or sign up

  14. Once logged in the following should have happened:

    1. you should be redirected to your Voluntarily dashboard

    2. school related goal cards should be displayed displayed

    3. there should have been a new organisation created (based on the school you selected on the invite school form)

    4. your currently logged in account should be an org admin of that organisation

    5. on your profile you should have the “requestor” role


Note: /admin/invite-school can be appended to the environment url for testing

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