These are the badge features we want to implement
Voluntarily as a badge Issuer
The voluntarily platform can issue badges to mark accomplishments such as:
- Completing key workflows - e.g profile completion, School Ready vetting
- Volunteering - different types e.g online support, attending events, creating content, code contributing.
Design Tasks
- Identify what badges we will issue
- Design and create visual implementation of each badge
- Define badge content, description and alignments.
- Define what criteria trigger the issuing of the badge.
Implementation Tasks
- Where do we create badge definitions ( in Badgr or in our own code base)
- How and when are badge criteria tested
- Function to actually issue a badge
Voluntarily as a Badge Container (Backpack)
- Should we do this or hand off to another system?
- Where do we keep track of badges we have issued or people have been issued but want associated with their account.
Other Organisations as Badge Issuers
- Does voluntarily allow other orgs such as VP and AP to mint their own badges and allocate within the system - or does this happen in badgr or another LMS.
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