How it feels to use - Product Design


Voluntarily exists because we are trying to make sure every kid has more exposure to STEAM (Science, Tech, Engineering, Arts, Mathematics). The project was born out of a hackathon in December 2018 and has since grown into a project with the potential to change they way that people volunteer. We adhere to these principles when designing the system to ensure that Volunteers, Teachers and Students using the platform get the most out of it.

Core values
Our values underpin the effort we make to improve volunteering for skilled volunteers and schools. We tend to skew towards ease of use and understandability. 

Keep it simple
We're not the first ones here. Many organisations have tried to build volunteering and education systems, especially in New Zealand but many have suffered from overcomplicating their systems.
Our approach is to keep what we build as simple and understandable as possible for teachers and volunteers so that they can make an impact, without technology holding them back.

Keep it safe for everyone
Our parent charity has been working with children for a while. From this, we know that working with children can bring challenges. That potentially unsavoury characters can be drawn to access to children and that adequate checks and balances need to be put in place to keep everyone safe.

Reduce the workload
We respect that everyone, teachers, volunteers and students alike don't want to spend time doing unnecessary work. Our design should reflect this and shouldn't be more cumbersome than existing processes or products used to get skilled volunteers volunteering.


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