Start Here

This is where you will find all the design, implementation and operational documents for the platform

Source Code Repository

All source code and other key materials are in the Voluntarily github repository.

To contribute setup a github account and then email us to add you to the organisation - ask to join one of the design or developer teams.


All developer documents are on this wiki.

Issue tracking

Software development Epics, Stories and Bugs are in Jira - Contact us to be invited in as a developer.

We are using Kanban - take a ticket from the selected for development stack and complete it.

Platform hosting

The NZ Voluntarily platform is currently hosted on AWS Cloud infrastructure. It is deployed using CI tools into Docker Containers on Amazon ECS Fargate services.

The deployed architecture is built using CloudFormation scripts.

AWS Cloud Deployment Infrastructure

QA & Automated Test

As an open-source project, we need to support a wide range of developers at different skill levels and familiarity with the system. As a developer yourself you would like to find the project easy to understand, fix bugs and add new features. To do that the code needs to be of high quality, easy to read and understand and covered by automatic tests. This will help us maintain a low bug count and low technical debt.

So please do not submit code to the system that is not exercised by unit or functional tests - it will be left on the shelf.

Integration and Deployment

To be decided.