Mail Out - Wellington

Mail Out - Wellington

Tēnā koutou

Thanks for signing up to come to our Voluntarily Wellington  Code Camp and to help us in create the Voluntarily.NZ platform. 

I can promise that you will have fun, learn stuff, meet great people, and add real value to an important project for New Zealand's young people.

If you have been following the project so far you'll know we have made amazing progress so far this year and we have enough functionality to start testing the service with teachers. You can catch up on some news at our YouTube channel https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5ZhMU9Mc3JEXNLf2HDzNmCxp3hXWikwx

You may have noticed at change in the domain - we are now all at Voluntarily.nz   having moved from voluntari.ly - although the old links will still work.

Key info:

Start - 09:00 am Sat 27th May.  Breakfast from 8:15, Lunch provided at 12:00,  + Snacks.  Day ends at 16:00

Location: Datacom Wellington, South Tower, 68-86 Jervois Quay, Wellington.

Somebody will meet you in the foyer and swipe you up to Level 10.

If nobody is there, call Adam Barnes on 0272025298, Vince on 0273068509 or post a comment on Gitter.

Chat: Join us on Gitter: https://gitter.im/voluntarily/community  

Codebase: https://github.com/voluntarily/vly2.  

Kanban board: https://voluntarily.atlassian.net/secure/RapidBoard.jspa?projectKey=VP&rapidView=2

Documentation: Voluntarily Product

What you need to bring

Laptop, power cable, phone charger, yourself and others.  Please continue to promote the event through your networks we can cope with more people on the day but if they sign up online it will help with catering.

sign up at: https://voluntarily.nz/code

Is this just for coders?

No we will make good use of BA, Design, Architect, DevOps, Test, and general thinking and problem solving skills.

What if I don't know javascript/node/react/next etc?

We can teach you, there will be simpler tasks that you can help with, you can pair program with someone, you can test stuff, or you can help not re-invent the wheel by researching solutions.

Missions include

MVP road to production

All the basic functionality for our Minimum Viable Product is in place. but there are loads of fine details and small bugs to fix. Our goal is to get 'many eyes' on the system as it stands and work out the details.

We will start the day with a mass role play for teachers and volunteers running various scenarios

Corporate Integration challenge. 

We have everything in place to allow us to display volunteering opportunities embedded in corporate intranet pages - but we need to create some custom pages without headers to provide the appropriate content.

Activity Challenge

And the next big feature to work on is Activities and Organisations.

Plus any amount of 

  • Testing - writing tests, and fixing the bugs they find.
  • Styling - making the pages look like the designs
  • Training/Learning - crash course in react, node, mongo and next etc.
  • Researching solutions.

Outline of the day


8:15 Mingle and Breakfast.
9:00Welcome, purpose, the mission and approach to day  Kerry Topp and Andrew Watkins

Project & asset orientation - Andrew Watkins & Walt Lim.

Platform walk through and bug hunt.


Pick your teams & challengeTutorials
12:30Build Build BuildTutorials
16:00Theoretical close
17:00Bar meet up


8:15 Mingle and Breakfast.
9:30Stand up - and plan for the day


Continue buildingTutorials
12:30Consolidate and Commit
15:00Demonstrations and what next

Tutorials will include ( subject to demand )

  • Dev basics for contributors - git, get codebase, build, test, commit, pull request.
  • Guide to the technologies: React, Mongo, Express etc.             
  • Tour of the Code - pt1 Server side - Express, Next, API and Mongo DB
  • Tour of the Code - pt2 Client side - React components, Pages 
  • Test and debug across the stack.
  • Advanced topics:  Redux, Asynch programming
  • AWS and Dev/Ops information
  • Any others you ask for


Background Reading for Westpac group

Please take a look at the Open Badge 2.0 Protocol

We will be using this protocol to manage achievements and endorsements within Voluntarily.NZ and this will be an area we work on on Friday.

Thanks Andrew