Working Bee - Datacom 4th May

Working Bee - Datacom 4th May

Outline of the day

9am-9:15am                       Welcome, purpose, the mission and approach to day     [KT|VF]

9:15am-10am                     Voluntari.ly project & asset orientation                                                 [AW & Walt]

10am – 12pm                     Working Bee -Mission #0                                                             [AW]

-          Dev/Ops for production platform .  VP-18 - Getting issue details... STATUS

12am – lunch                    

12:30am –1:45pm            Working Bee -Mission #1                                                                              [AW]

-          Mass on-boarding for corporates [i.e. OAuth integration into businesses.] 

-          Learning management system integration

2pm – 3pm                         Working Bee -Mission #3                                                                              [AW]

-          Activity and Opportunity Forms and previews.

-          Tests for everything

Backlog [if get through missions, bring forward]

o   Tag engine,  tags for skills, needs etc - matching and recommending volunteers

o   Badge engine - microcreds using OB2 (for example).  Tracking accomplishments.

o   Written content - landing page and other static content and editorial.

3pm-3:45pm                      Collective playback | presentations                                         [KT|VF]

3.45pm – wrap up            Thank you & close                                                                           [KT]


  • Create invitation materials 
  • Create a registration page
  • Advertise through our networks - Before 18th April.
  • Populate the Jira tasks for the target activities
  • Ensure getting started onboarding is smooth
  • Distribute getting started with V.ly packs - summary docs and links,  Also crash course in MERN.

Notes from Cecilia - Datacom Logistics

Catering – Lunch, then sandwiches/wraps/cold food, and use of our coffee machines, if we’re also offering snacks then maybe something like what we did last time from the supermarket? 

Parking – no parking in our basement carpark for non-Datacom people. This is because of both H&S requirements, and due to us needing to swipe everyone in to the basement. Suggestion here would be that we allocate outside parks to our key working group people (Vaughan, Zoe, Ruth, Neria etc), and all registered participants come via public transport or are required to find and pay for their own parking in the surrounding area.

Access on the day- we will pre-register everyone, and as they arrive they’ll pick up a red visitors tag, and tick their names off the list of people. This will cover both H&S in case of fire, and security for the building.

Set up – we’re encouraged to do our own set up now. So Friday afternoon, we can set up chairs, tables, power banks, ready for Saturday. I’ve asked for the walls between the three meeting rooms and the cafeteria to be opened up so we have a large collaborative space – this can be easily changed if we want! After the event we would need to pack up the space and leave it tidy.

Working group – I’ve sent out an email about the working bee, so once everyone’s come back we should be good to go! Vaughan has already confirmed that the date of 4 May works for him, which is great.

Invitations – I can see Leanne is supportive and willing to help out which is fab, and I’m assuming we can do a sign up like we did via the Voluntari.ly site for the first hackathon? It would be great to figure out exactly what sort of people we want on the day so we can start promoting as soon as the working group is up and running. With Leanne’s support we’ll be able to put out the call internally too – either via unity and Yammer, or emails, depending on what is appropriate.

Timeframe – Realistically we have until Thursday 18th April to have everything sorted including invites and registrations rolling in. With the full week of Easter and ANZAC day we’ll lose most of the time after that to leave!