1903 - March MVP Project Plan

1903 - March MVP Project Plan



Deliver an MVP Volunteer platform.

Due date
 National Volunteer Week, 16 - 22 June,
Key outcomesA working platform that links teachers with volunteers and activity providers.


Problem Statement

Teachers need help in delivering to the new digital curriculum. Corporate volunteers represent a major asset of experience and skills but don't know about the opportunities to help in schools. Content providers and the Internet in general provides a wealth of material for learning technology but its not always school appropriate or linked to learning outcomes.

We are building a platform that connects corporate volunteer time with classrooms to teach science, technology, engineering, entrepreneurship, arts and design with the help of engaging content supplied by New Zealand’s leading innovators in educational content.


Must have:

  • Teachers from a minimum 3 trial schools can browse projects and activities, ask for support and provide volunteering opportunities

  • Volunteers from at min 3 sponsor corporate organisations can be present in the system, but requested or put hands up for opportunities.
  • Volunteers can progress to being 'school ready' via induction and police check.

Nice to have:

  • Single sign on for Corporate Volunteers to their employer organisations.

  • Content providers can list projects and activities along with dependencies time, space, people requirements
  • Activity tracking and achievement badges

Not in scope:

  • Hosted content and activities - not a LMS


Mar2018AprMayJunJulAugSepOctNovDecJan2019FebMarker 1
Lane 1
Lane 2

Feature 1

Feature 2

Feature 3

Feature 4

iOS app

Android app

Milestones and deadlines



Tech Week - Weekend of Code

Launch Event - Spark Foundation.

National Volunteer Week,

16 - 22 June,

Reference materials