1909 - Brandon Intermediate Inspiring the Futures

1909 - Brandon Intermediate Inspiring the Futures

Pre Event : 

  • Received email from the TEC team that was in charge of the 'Inspiring the Future."
  • This covered the following
    1. The event and the its purpose.
    2. Where the event would be.
    3. To bring a prop that represents the work you are involved in .
    4. Prepare to speak to the children.
  • And two attachments
    1. Inspiring the future - Adult release form (media and cameras)
    2. A volunteer guide - A Run-sheet of the activity's that are going to happened and some guidelines to follow.
  • Received a phone call from Andrea Howey ( Event Coordinator ) to run through the event and answer any question for the event.

During Event:

  • All the volunteers meet each other in the staff kitchen.
  • Meet a Whaea that was role playing as a child and asking what we do for a living (for work) and snapped at us volunteers if we replied in  adult manner. -Her goal for doing this was to make sure we knew how to talk to children.
  • Meet the Event Coordinator (Andrea Howey)and she walked through the event and gave us a tour in the school hall.
  • Whaea gathered all of the volunteers and TEC team to go though the Whakatou - semi formal powiri. And also what waiata to sing after a Volunteers mihi.
  • From the whole school that performed only 50 of the students selected by the teacher were allowed to come to our session.
  • After the whakatou the MC of the event started the two activities.
    1. Twenty one questions
    2. Small group discussion
  • We would have breaks and in these breaks each volunteer would be interviewed and photographed for TEC.
  • At the end of the event the MC gathered us all for the final haka.
  • The rest of the school came back to the school for the school haka.
  • The 50 students that were selected for the event were grabbed again and the rest of the students are sent out for but the 50 are feed pizza.

Post Event

  •  Received an email from the Event Coordinator ( Andrew Howey) saying Thank you for being part of the event.


  • Too many Event Coordinators that were not doing much and standing around.
  • MC was a tad dead - needed more energy 
  • Need to involve the whole school. Students did feel left out. Because they would come in for the haka and welcoming and then get asked to leave and watch the invited 50 eat pizza.