Beta Test: Volunteer Onboarding

Beta Test: Volunteer Onboarding

This test exercises the basic creation of a profile and joining an organisation.

Visit the website - not signed in

Open a new private window on your browser.  This ensures that any previous test history or cookies are not present.

Firefox: File | New Private Window

Chrome: File | New Incognito Window

visit: https://beta.voluntarily.nz/

Check the landing page loads correctly. There should be at least one item shown in the Happening Soon section.

Check the organisations page - not signed in

Click organisations on the top menu.

  • You should see one or more organisations including Voluntarily, and OMGTech.
  • The cards show a picture, Name and small icons - do they make sense?

Click on one of the organisations

  • You should see a profile page for the organisation. 
  • Does it have sensible information on the about tab?
  • Are any social links, or links to website available?
  • What is shown under the other tabs - Getting Started and Members?  
  • Most of these have not been filled in yet - what would you expect to see here?

Log In

Click Log In on the top menu

  • Sign in with one of your social media accounts, or create a new email and password account.
  • If this is your first time you may be asked for permission by your social account provider e.g Google.

Setup your personal account

Click on Dashboard and then the Profile Tab - this shows you your profile. 

  • This will be empty if you have created a new account.  If you signed in with social media it should have your avatar and name filled in.

Edit your profile

  • Fill in some details about yourself
  • Fill in some skills
  • Remember this site is on the internet and although the profiles cannot be visited by non-signed-in people the content you put here should still be taken seriously.
  • Consider changing the avatar picture - upload an image or link to one elsewhere on the internet

Follow  Datacom or Westpac

Go back to the Organisations page and select one of these companies

Find and click the 'Follow' button. 

  • Where would you expect to see this button on the page?
  • How much explanation does it need?

As a follower if you click on the members tab - you should see some information specific to followers (if it has been setup).

Ask to Join an organisation that you belong to

Go back to the Organisations page and select one the companies that you are a member of - OMGTech, PFCT, Voluntarily etc.

Find and click the 'Join' button.

In the Validation field - fill in the email address that you own that belongs to this company.  e.g. andrew@omgtech.co.nz  Currently this does nothing but in the future we may use this to verify that you belong to a company.

That's all you can do until an Admin confirms your membership.

Let Andrew know that you have reached this stage by email or slack message.

On acceptance as a member

Note: Currently there are no notification email on status change.

If you revisit the site later you should notice these things:

  1. On your /home page profile.  in the sidebar you will see the orgs that you are listed as following or members of
  2. On the organisation page members tab - if you are a follower or a member you should see different information and instructions.

If you are now a member continue to the Opportunity Test

If you have been made an orgAdmin then continue to the Org Setup Test