Beta Test - Opportunity Test

Beta Test - Opportunity Test

This test is for people who are members of an Opportunity Provider.  The goal is to create a new opportunity for volunteers, and then manage the interested people.

If you are not already a member of an organisation then please join one.

When testing please take a note of the PC, Operating system, Browser etc. Report problems using the 'Problem?' tab on the right hand side of the window.

Become a Requestor

Sign in to  https://alpha.voluntarily.nz

Go to your profile page ( Dashboard, Profile Tab) and click Edit

At the bottom of the form in the status checkboxes enable the 'requestor' status.

Create a new Request

Sign in and go to your Dashboard

Find and click the 'New Request' button

  • Is this button where you expected it to be?
  • Does the title make sense?

Fill in the form

Put some rich text in the description box - headings, bullets etc.

Put in some search terms in the tags box

  • Is the form understandable?
  • Do all the fields mean something to you?
  • Are you able to upload or link to an image ok?
  • Did your organisation get filled in automatically?
  • Do title and subtitle make sense?

Save the form as 'Draft' and review the result

  • does the opportunity page look the way you want?
  • Is anything important missing?

Edit the form again and click Publish.

Return to your dashboard

  • check you can see the Card for the opportunity

Use the search box on the top bar and search for some keyword or text in your opportunity.

  • Does the search return your op?

Get some Volunteers

Ask some friends to sign into the test site, search for your event and click the "I'm Interested" Button.

You should get an email when someone does this

  • Does the email have useful information in it?

Go to your dashboard, find the Card for your opportunity and click on it.

Below the Opportunity details section there is a list of 'interested volunteers'

Review the interested people

  • You should be able to click on peoples pictures and see their profile pages
  • you can see their 'interested' comment - what other information would you like to see?

Invite some people

For some people click 'invite' for others 'decline'. 

  • Both you and the person should get an email about the invitation
  • Would you want to be able to send more messages to people here?

Ask the people that you have invited to accept or reject the invite. Note how the Interested Volunteers list changes

  • If you had further information about the event for the invited and committed people where would you expect to be able to put it?

Complete the Opportunity

Assume the activity/event has taken place

Go to the details page and click 'Completed'

Currently there are no further actions to do here but in the future you should be able to leave a note about the event and sign off which volunteers actually attended

  • What other functions would you want to do on completing an opportunity?
  • What statistics or other metrics would you want to be able to associate with the opportunity.

Go back to your dashboard.

  • Check the item has moved from your active to the history tab
  • Does this movement to a new tab make sense?
  • How would you want to be able to review older events - e.g as a table or grid of cards?

Cancel an Opportunity

Repeat the above process but this time cancel the opportunity.

  • what information should go out to interested or invited volunteers when you cancel and op?
  • Should we just delete the cancelled op or move it to the history?