1903 - High School Teacher
Project | Voluntarily - User Needs |
Testing Date/s | 13 Mar 2019 |
Team | Walter Lim Andrew Watkins |
We believe teachers need help with teaching STEM topics, and could benefit from getting industry volunteers in to help either through comms, or in class
Interview Questions:
Day to day /Current :
What are teachers currently struggling with / what are their most pressing pain points in their day to day roles?
How are you currently supported when teaching something unfamiliar or new?
Process / Bearaucracy
What is the current process for bringing a guest speaker into the school?
What is the current process for bringing volunteers in?
STEM & Digital Readiness
What are teachers currently doing to bring STEM into the classroom?
Do you feel ready to teach the digital technologies curriculum?
What about your peers?
How could the transition be easier? What kind of support would you prefer?
Digital technologies curriculum was surprised
13 - 18 year group taught
Science for younger groups then bio as they get older
Tell me about what the pain points are
Nothing filtering down to classroom level
Currently teaching stuff like spreadsheets and graphic, basic formulas
Digitech class did really basic games
Having classes with kids of different abilities
same subject to wide spectrum
Chromebooks help
Full autonomy with chromebooks
Learning management system
Permission letter
If you're a teacher you need to run it past head of department who runs it past principal
What's cutoff between police vetting and no police required
If it's in class for prolonged period need police vet
If it's one off they don’t usually do police vetting
How do you plan a term:
She;'s the only bio teacher in the school and given free reign
Plans standards to teach, plans exams
Looks at assessment context next, etc
Ie in bio they have to do a social scientific issue
Ie: genetic engineering / CRISPR
Assessment driven
Goes online to look for existing activities and resources
Starts with youtube and key search terms on google
Follow up:
Does tamaki college have a written policy? Nicola can check
Pond is a resource bank
Orange teacher card
Ministry of education number
Searchable register
As a teacher, RAMS forms, EOTC forms
Assume responsibility for the health and safety of the children
Permission slips, allergies, medical forms, doctors details
Visitors inside a time period requires very little paperwork
After school might require permissions slips but very easy
Automated forms?