Onboarding Organisations

Onboarding Organisations

This is the process for onboarding a new organisation into Voluntarily

We use organisations for all groups whether schools, businesses, activity providers, community groups, and birds of a feather groups.


  1. A sysAdmin creates the initial mostly empty Organisation page.

  2. The proposed orgAdmins sign into the site using company credentials and goto the organization page.

  3. Click the Join button on the lower left hand side.

  4. Sys Admin then adds the new people first as a member of the organization and then promotes to OrgAdmin.

  5. The new OrgAdmins can edit the organization page and fill in the remaining information.

  6. OrgAdmins can then add new members and admins, review the list of followers.

We recommend at least 2 people are made orgAdmins for continuity.



Create a new organisation

This is only available to System Administrators (SysAdmin).

On the Organisations page and click New Organisation.

Fill in the name, initial logo and category fields.


The org should be visible on the organisations page.

Note - there is no draft/publish status for orgs so you may need to fill in some initial text that says this is work in progress.

Onboarding OrgAdmins

The process is that everyone first signs into Voluntarily as a normal person and is then joined to an organisations and then promoted to be an admin.

Usually an organisation will not have enterprise sign on enabled when it is first setup so potential org admins will need to sign in using their social identities or register a new account in the sign up page.

Once signed in the person visits the Organisation page and clicks Join - they should put their organisational email address in the validation field and then click validate

Note - currently we do not have automated validation of email addresses so it will be for the admin to verify.

System Admin will view the joiners list on the Members tab of the organisation details page and add the candidates first as members of the organisation and then as OrgAdmins.

SysAdmin will then notify the new admins of their changed status and send instructions.

Note - currently we do not have automated notification of membership status changes.

Filling in the Organization Details

Editing the Organisation details is available only to OrgAdmins and SysAdmins.


This should be the name by which everyone knows the organisation - not necessarily the formal title of the company or school. It will appear next to any activities and offerings listed by the organisation


This is a public facing information page for the organisation. You can talk about the business or school, who it serves and what its volunteer programme is like.

Logo/Image link

Upload or link to a square image that represents your organisation - logo, or picture.


Full URL linking to either the main website for the organisation or possibly a more specific page focussed on Volunteering.

Contact Email

This should be the formal email contact point for the organisation. This is not necessarily the same as the email address of the orgAdmin.


Multiple Section: Business, School, Activity provider, Agency, Other


This is the Rich Text section under the members tab that is shown to people who have clicked on the Follow button. Here you can give information for follower as to what they can expect. This is more private than the About page which is visible to the public.

The organisation will have access to the followers email list and can send out notifications to the group. Hence this section should tell people what they can expect in the way of communications.


This section is shown to people who have clicked Join or Validate. it should have a message the lets people know what to expect about the process by which the organisation adds new members. This may include an email verification or asking them to enter a specific type of validation code. It should also give people an idea of how long membership will take.

For example for a business membership would be limited to people working for the company and validation would be via single sign on (which would add members automatically) or by entering a business email address for confirmation by the org admins.

On the other hand for a birds of a feather group it might simply give a chatroom location where people can obtain the validation code.



This section is intended to give information to members of the organisation. It is effectively private to members. This might give information on how a business manages volunteering - what HR steps are required to book leave etc. or might be a link to the relevant pages on the business intranet.



This is the text people who are not followers or members of an organisation will see. It should invite them to follow the org and tell potential members what they need to do to join.