Some Platform Questions

Some Platform Questions


Serverside: Javascript running under nodejs.

Clientside: Javascript using React framework

CMS / tools?

No Content Management System (at this time).


MongoDB, Hosted at https://www.mongodb.com Atlas Cloud. (AWS underlying infrastructure)

Web/application server?

Node/Express - as part of the application

Is load-balancing performed on the application?


The deployed platform currently runs on AWS ECS (Elastic Container Service) using a scaleable set of docker container servers (from 1 to 5) fronted by an AWS Application load-balancer instance.


Is any aspect of the system shared?


There is a single Voluntarily platform. The underlying database holds information for all organisations and individuals on the platform.

The platform runs on AWS ECS FARGATE services which may or may not allow docker instances to run on the common underlying infrastructure.

Is there any intrusion detection / intrusion prevention/web application firewall system in place?

Intrusion detection system - None

Firewall - Yes, standard AWS Security group configuration.

Security groups act as a firewall for associated container instances, controlling both inbound and outbound traffic at the container instance level.

A policy is set to only allow inbound port 443 (HTTPS), no other ports such as SSH are enabled. Http Port 80 requests are redirected by the load balancer to https.

Is there any use of IPv6?


How many pages in the application allow user input?

4 main pages:

  • Edit Personal Profile

  • Edit Organisation Profile

  • Edit Activity

  • Edit Opportunity

2 workflow components

  • Request Membership

  • Request Interest

Misc admin pages.