Organisation Admin Role

Organisation Admin Role

The Organisation Admin (orgAdmin) role allows organisations operating on the Voluntarily.nz platform to manage their organisation profile and members. Organisations include Schools, Businesses, activity providers and funding agencies.

It grants powers to view and edit areas of the platform specific to their own organisation and members but nowhere else.

People holding the orgAdmin role for their organisation are expected to be the first line of support for members of the organisation seeking help.

Who can get Organisation Admin for the service Voluntarily.NZ?

Criteria for OrgAdmin status

  • Must be a trusted employee of the organisation. For businesses, this would be an HR or CSR representative managing the volunteer programme. For schools, this should be the principal or digital support person. For activity providers - an appropriate representative or delegate.

  • Must be technically capable and understand the privileges granted.

  • Should complete online training for an org admin.

Identifying organisation admin people

  • Account profiles show OrgAdmin in the roles list. On the personal profile tab an icon is shown next to the organisation name indicating admin status.

  • When viewing the organisation home page the orgAdmin will see an Edit button for the profile.


  • API call Listing support id, name and email. - requires a list people permission.

http://alpha.voluntarily.nz/api/people?q={ "role": "support" }&s="name"&p="name email"


Org Admin Rights

If you have orgAdmin status on Voluntarily you have these abilities - but only for the organisation that you are admin for.

Client Interface

  • OrgDetailPage - can edit the organisation

  • MemberSection - See the member table of an organisation

  • ActDetailPage - can edit the Activity if your org is an Activity Provider and the activity was created by a member of your organisation.

  • OpDetailPage - if your org is an opportunity provider you can manage the Opportunity: edit, manage interested volunteers, complete and cancel - for ops created by your members.

  • OrgDetailForm - Cannot change the organisation category.

  • OrgListPage - Cannot see Create Organisation button, cannot delete an org

Org Membership Admin Pages

  • The orgAdmin can see the members tab on the organisation page, can use this to add or remove followers, move people from join/validation requests to members, can make members orgAdmins.

  • Can download a list of all members as CSV file for export.


OrgAdmin can

  • list/get/update all entities created by people belonging to the organisation and where the org is the offerOrg.

  • can list/get/update their own organisation record.

OrgAdmin cannot:

  • delete entities

  • create new people, organisations.

  • set organisation category

Enabling OrgAdmin Role

To be an OrgAdmin person you must have role = [Role.ORG_ADMIN] set in your Person record and have the relevant organisation listed in the orgAdminFor array field of your profile. It is possible to be org admin for multiple organisations.

To be an orgAdmin you must first be a member of the organisation and then have your role set to OrgAdmin by a system administrator, another existing orgAdmin or through an invitation email.

You cannot remove your own orgAdmin status.

The school-invite email creates both a new school organisation and makes the person responding to the invite the first orgAdmin for that school.

The member-invite email can be sent from an organisation members page to invite others to also be orgAdmins.


Recovery of an organisation account

Should for any reason an organisation lose access to their orgAdmin account e.g. by a person leaving etc. A support request should be issued asking for another existing member to be promoted to admin. This request should contain sufficient documentation to justify the change.