Ask and Offer Roles

Ask and Offer Roles

People joining the platform divide into those Asking for help (people) and those Offering help (Volunteers). This type of person is identified by the presence or absence of the VOLUNTEER Role. It is assumed that a Volunteer may also want to be a normal person asking for help.

The VOLUNTEER role is conferred by being a member of a VOLUNTEER_PROVIDER organisation. By default someone joining the site that says they want to OFFER help must pick a VOLUNTEER_PROVIDER organisation to join. There will be a default GeneralVolunteers organisation along with others like MANZ, SVA, and businesses.

In addition we distinguish between people who can only respond to existing asking and offering opportunities and those that can create new ones - The OPPORTUNITY_PROVIDER role. Everyone will be given this role when they become members of the Voluntarily All organisation. This happens by default on the creation of a new account but the membership can be removed.

The first two roles - VOLUNTEER and OPPORTUNITY_PROVIDER Combine to make a matrix of 4 options


not OP - Can Create Interests

OP - Can Create Ops


not OP - Can Create Interests

OP - Can Create Ops


Can accept Offer Ops (00)

Can create new Ask Ops (10)


Can accept Ask Ops (01)

Can create new Offer Ops (11)

When a person first signs in they asked what they want to be able to do.

  • Ask for help - VOLUNTEER_PROVIDER is not set

  • Offer to help - > Join the chosen organisation → VOLUNTEER_PROVIDER is set.

They are also made members of the Voluntarily default group which gives the OPPORTUNITY provider status.

ASK Role

Who can be an Asker?

Everyone signing into the platform with email confirmed authentication can be an asker. The Person.role array can be empty. This is the default position.

Identifying asking people

Everyone one signed into the site has this role so there are no special markers. The personal identification line consists of an Avatar and nickname displayed in normal font.

Asker Abilities

By default Askers are not VOLUNTEERS but do have OPPORTUNITY_PROVIDER role so they can create new ops (asks)

Client Interface

  • Home

    • Profile Tab - Can edit - see Minimal required information. Don’t need to fill in Tags, do need to fill in locality and if they are vulnerable, essential etc.

    • Upcoming - can see offers they are interested in and asks they have created.

    • Discover → can search for activities and see existing offerings near their location.

    • can see Goal Cards for how to find existing offers, and how to create a new Ask request.

  • Activity Detail Page

    • Can see Ask for Help with This button.

    • Can see Offers Tab by default.

  • OpAskForm

    • See only asker fields - cannot see the fixed fields. Can enter

      • time and place

      • text about their needs. - description field. separate from the activity description.

      • Save Draft and Publish buttons.

  • OpDetailPage - if they have created an Ask Op

    • see list of people offering to help, accept, message and decline buttons.


Who can be a volunteer?

To be a volunteer you must request to join and be accepted as a member of one or more VOLUNTEER_PROVIDER organisations. This may be the business you are already working for. e.g Xero, Spark, DataCom, a community volunteer organisation ‘Student Volunteer Army’, ‘MANZ’ etc. or the Voluntarily Horde group

Some organisations may require you to have identity verification and police vet checks completed. Others may have trust in you by other sources. e.g. employee and HR record.

Identifying Volunteers

Volunteers on the site show a name and avatar that indicates their volunteer status. This is colour coded according to the verification level and may have status icons.

Volunteer Abilities

Volunteers can express interest in helping with an Ask Op. They see the Get Involved button and can create new interest records.

Volunteers can also create new Offer Ops. On the Activity page they see the Offer Help with this button.

Client Interface

  • Home

    • Profile Tab - Can edit - see more required information. Do need to fill in Tags, do need to fill in locality but not if they are vulnerable, essential etc. Do need to get identify Verified etc.

    • Upcoming - can see asks they are interested in and offers they have created.

    • Discover → can search for activities and see volunteering recommendations based on their skills, offers and location.

    • can see Goal Cards for how to find existing asks, and how to create a new offerOp

  • Activity Detail Page

    • Can see Offer to Help with this button.

    • Can see Asks Tab by default.

  • OpAskForm

    • See only offer fields - can see the fixed fields. Can enter

      • time and place - optional

      • text about what they can do personally.

      • Save Draft and Publish buttons.

  • OpDetailPage - if they have created an Ask Op

    • see list of people asking for help, accept, message and decline buttons.