



Goals and Motivations

  • I don't think I understand technology nor do I see a reason to want to
  • If I'm participating at an event, It is only because this workshop/activity is better than regular class
  • I will drop whatever activity I'm doing and watch youtube/play io games, play flash games if unattended / unmentored
  • If I find the activity too difficult / I don't get help I will revert to games
  • In extreme cases ADHD or some sort of disorder

Goals and Motivations

  • I want to learn how to make/create things
  • I want to understand technology so that I can create my own stuff
  • If unattended I will explore the thing I'm working on and deviate by building things that differ from the assignment, often in an interesting way

High Level Success looks like…

  • Successfully demonstrate that tech can be cool, interesting, and is a career choice
  • Conversion to engaged students
  • Student becoming super cool tech-literate people and the backbone of kiwi industry when they grow up
  • Retaining learning post event (higher level? Hard to measure)

High Level Success looks like…

  • Helping student transition from learner to mentor for other students
  • Preparing student for industry pathway into tech sector

Actions we want them to take to accomplish the above

  • teachers/parents getting them to events
  • Continuing tech education post-event
  • Sharing events with peers
  • Tagging instagram posts/snapchat/hashtags
  • Sub to newsletter to find out about future events

Actions we want them to take to accomplish the above

  • Encourage teachers/parents into getting them to events
  • Attend tech workshops and events
  • Retain learning during events
  • Continuing tech education post-event
  • Sharing events with peers
  • Understand tech subjects well enough to teach others
  • Sub to newsletter
  • Become super cool tech-literate people and the backbone of kiwi industry when they grow up


DisengagedEngaged w/disengaged student

Engaged parent w/engaged student

Goals and Motivations

  • I don’t understand much about technology
  • I don't see the value in taking my child to tech events
  • I see a tech event/workshop event as daycare / a place to dump the kids for a short while without giving much thought to the tech education

Goals and Motivations

  • I want my child to succeed at life
  • I want to change my child's perspective on technology so that it is seen as an important tool
  • I believe that tech education will give my child a better life
  • I don’t want to have to bribe my child to do more tech things as the learning will stop the moment the gifts stop

Goals and Motivations

  • I want help my child do more with their tech efforts
  • I want to sustain the momentum my child has built up learning about technology
  • I want my child to keep working on projects, attending competitions, and to become a STEM role model

High level success looks like…

  • Demonstrating the value that technology education brings to their child
  • Conversion to engaged parent

High level success looks like…

  • My child attaining a desire to learn tech skills
  • My child progressing from only doing things at workshops, to developing their own games/programs/projects on their own without any prompting or briefing
  • My child transitioning from disengaged with technology to engaged

High level success looks like…

  • Ensuring student is consistently learning new tech skills
  • Child transitioning from student to mentor

Actions we want them to take to accomplish the above

  • Motivate them to ask for help
  • Learning more about technology
  • Understanding that there are tech jobs and career paths in the industry
  • Taking their child to tech events and workshops
  • Ensuring they continue education post intervention

Actions we want them to take to accomplish the above

  • Sending child to events
  • Request support helping their child transition if needed
  • Sub to newsletter to learn about more omg opportunities
  • performing volunteering opportunities and continuing to contribute by being a mentor to other children
  • Using our learning resources pre/post event to continue tech education

Actions we want them to take

  • Ensure that the student keeps undertaking tech projects, either solo/in a team/with help from parent
  • Attend events
  • Encourage other students to take up the same challenges
  • Ensure that other students upskill



Goals and Motivations

  • Fearful of new digital technology curriculum (/ uneducated about it)
  • I want someone else to teach the digital tech stuff for me so I don’t have to learn it
  • I may have been engaged in the past but have been seriously burned by the pond /other initiatives - lots of effort went in only for it to get shut down
  • I get shown new education tools on a regular basis - I tend to forget about most of them after a month or so
  • I might be waiting to retire and cant be bothered picking up new skills
  • Help me do the least amount of administration possible

High level success looks like…

  • I feel comfortable teaching the new digital tech curriculum
  • My classroom experiencing increased grades and satisfaction in exchange for minimal effort
  • Converting the behaviors from disengaged > engaged

Actions we want them to take

  • Asking for volunteers on voluntarily
  • Requesting / Booking volunteers
  • Organizing events for students
  • Using vly resources as a teaching aid
  • Convincing students to apply for mentoring and other programs for young people

Goals and Motivations

  • I want my students to have the best learning experience possible
  • I want every activity my students do to be amazing
  • I want to be the best teacher at my school
  • I try every tool I get my hands on, but dump the tool if the experience is terrible (ie: pond)

High level success looks like…

  • My job becoming easier because…
    • It becomes easier to find volunteers to come in and teach my kids topics I'm not an expert in
    • Volunteers offering to help by taking some of the workload off me
    • It becomes easier to find things to do
  • Having an easier time justifying my career progression by demonstrating Professional Teaching Standards, especially as a graduate or provisional teacher

Actions we want them to take

  • Helping students transition from disengaged > engaged > mentoring
  • Transition students to self-sustaining study / projects



Goals and Motivations

  • Honestly, I don’t see volunteering as a good use of my time nor do I think I would enjoy it
  • As a corporate employee, I see my corporate volunteer programme as paid time off avoiding work
  • As a skilled professional I might have kids that take priority over volunteering
  • Most volunteering opportunities I currently see don’t allow me to fully use my skills

High level success looks like…

  • Transitioning mindset from disengaged > engaged
  • As a skilled tech worker, doing more volunteering with students
  • Identifying candidates that enjoy volunteering with students
  • Mentoring the next generation of students

Actions we want them to take

  • Volunteering at more events as a role model
  • For industry people, teaching more students and teachers using industry knowledge

Goals and Motivations

  • I want to help my community by using my skills
  • I may have trained for a specific skill but don’t get to use it in my day job - I see this as an outlet for it

High level success looks like…

  • Ensuring they don't revert to disengaged traits
  • Maintaining a flow of interesting things to do without being too overwhelming
  • For volunteers with families - keeping them engaged even when they have kids
  • For organizations that have repeating events - how to maintain continuity after they leave their workplace, or how to ensure a steady supply of volunteers

Actions we want them to take

  • Maintain sustainable levels of activity in the community - unsure of the exact number
  • Converting other skilled volunteers from disengaged > engaged

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