Release Version and deploy to production

How to tag a version for release and control its deployment.

Deployment to the alpha site takes place automatically on a merge to master. Deployment to the beta, gamma and production sites takes place when the repository is tagged with a matching tag. Then a github action deploys the build to the appropriate site.

Release from the GitHub UI

To tag a release goto the vly2 code page and find the release section


Click the Draft a new release button.

Fill in the release form.

Then publish the release


Choosing the tag

We are not using semantic versioning i.e. v1.2.3 we simply date the release prefixed with the site as follows

  • Beta: beta-2020-08-25

  • Gamma: gamma-2020-08-25

  • Live: v-2020-08-25

Check that the deployment action has been triggered at


Release from the command line

tag the build and commit the changes

git tag beta-2020-08-25 git push origin beta-2020-08-25