1912 - Whangara School

1912 - Whangara School

On boarding + Event creation –schools 9-19th of December dependent so schools availability


ITF and Voluntarily - On boarding + Event creation

Testing Date/s

December 9-17th


 Walter, Margaret


Success Metrics

  • Time taken to complete each task

  • # Tasks completed


It is still early days for the platform and although a lot of the functionality will be in place, there is still a lot of UX and UI work that needs to be done. Explaining this to the trial schools will be crucial for gaining there understanding and buy in.






5 min


Introductions and expectation

Have a chat and get to know each other a bit better

Run through what the session will involve

Make sure that they know we are not testing them in any way  not about their ability

  • Reiterate that this is a very early field trial - nothing is final, thigs might not always work as they expect

Introduced VLY/ ITF concepts



20 min


Platform and features

As part of getting volunteers to your school, you need to activate your school and create an Inspiring the Future activity on the Voluntarily platform. We have sent you an email which start you on this journey. Please open and click the link provided.

  • Brief them on teacher role - ask them to complete the following tasks step by step (walk though one at a time and get teachers to verbalise their thoughts and actions):

  • Access email and sign up

  • Create account

  • Complete school profile

  • Find an ITF activity to run

  • Create an ITF event with a date and location

  • Understood signup process pretty well

  • Understood file upload

  • Default email from the spreadsheet was wrong - data quality on spreadsheet queestionable?

  • Took a while to fill in about school

  • Had a copy of school logo on hand



Choose an ITF activity to run

Is there anything missing?

Does this have the information you thought it would? Why not?

How are you feeling about creating an activity? 

If we went here watching over your shoulder would you still create an activity? Why/why not?

Clearly understood event template, tabs, resources


  • Nothing to add to school signup form

  • It wasnt clear to her about how the platform brought volunteers into school at completion

  • signup needs work pre and post account creation to explain the platform a little better Add more clarity?

  • Add more clarity around account creation

    • Ie account created / school created?

    • Information about the event if they click on the CTA

    • Send out invite to the event to cool people

  • Need a way to capture their existing volunteer pool onto the platform imho




Create an ITF event with a date and location

When would you like to run your event next year between the 1st of march and 17 of April?

What kind of volunteers would you be looking for? Why?

What are your schools policy on police checking?

Is there anything important that you would want volunteers to know? What do you think a volunteer would need to see?

What do you think would happen once you create your event? How would you get volunteers?

Show how it works…

  • Checked google calendar for clashes, then would have emailed the link out to all teachers and parents simultaneously once the activity was complete



15 min


Reflection on Platform

How did schools feel overall about the platform?

What were they most excited about and what made them nervous?

Deep dive into any tasks from above?

  • Ask subject to fill SUS survey

  • Expected a way to zoom/videocall volunteers beforehand to explain what to do

  • Expected some degree of cultural competence - volunteers were expected to...

    • Know a little bit about the place

    • Make a connection with the kids

    • Know that this region is Whangara School

    • Nice to have - introduce themselves in maori - pepeha

    • They would welcome the volunteers with a Powhiri? - put someone at the front, do a korero and maybe do a song


15 min 


Reflection on ITF

How are they feeling about running ITF in their school?

How would they describe ITF to their co-workers?

Do they have what they need?

How do they feel about the matching with volunteers? 


 Best case

  • Ideal volunteer would be a skilled local who went to school at this school


  • Local equivalent would be general east coast Gisborne


  • Range of backgrounds, ideally culturally

  • Mix of gender, ideally women doing roles that men usually hold


  • People passionate about what they are doing


  • Wanting to make a difference



Bad traits

Talk about themselves too much

Don't interact enough with the kids

Or too much interaction with the kids ie: every response is a dry question



Kids relate well to visuals, Stories, when they were children

Short, funny stories with impact tend not to be forgotten


Expected clear criteria, timeframe for good event templates

5 min


Close and next steps

What are their expectations what will happen next?

What will happen next?

  • Fun through the core functions – talk about key things we are interested in e.g. amount of time needed, volunteer matching, what the events look like at each school, recruiting in 

  • Book in dates

  • Finding volunteers will be our first priority nest year. In feb will we be able to start conversations about that?

  • Best ways to contact one another

Keen to video feedback from kids to collect data




Roles and responsibilities

Voluntarily team member (most likely Walt)- To run usability testing and feed findings back into platform development

Support person – The support persons role with be crucial through the trials and as this will be the first chance to meet it is import that they are there to start building a relationship. It will also be there role to take notes and ask ITF related questions

Whetu – Currently holds the relationship with the schools and it a respected expert in this space