1912 - Hiruharama School

1912 - Hiruharama School

On boarding + Event creation –schools 9-19th of December dependent so schools availability


ITF and Voluntarily - On boarding + Event creation

Testing Date/s

December 9-17th


 Walter, Margaret, Andrea and Sam G


Success Metrics

  • Time taken to complete each task

  • # Tasks completed


It is still early days for the platform and although a lot of the functionality will be in place, there is still a lot of UX and UI work that needs to be done. Explaining this to the trial schools will be crucial for gaining there understanding and buy in.


School details Page / School Onboarding

  • Wrote the description in maori

    • Then followed up in english - new line on each phrase for maori used

    • Total maori immersion school

    • Newline behavior might be interesting to design for if we use textline clamp in profile description


Currently dont access a lot of services as they are rural

At profile completion she got excited at possibilities - wondering about how to use it to action propjects and programmes

Does this make the case for how to run things at schools to the teachers?

Sees it as a simple 1 - 2 - 3 step process


Sees this platform being more student driven - with the teacher performing as a facilitator

  • Would consult with children first before anything else 



Before event creation / Event template page


  • First thing she noticed was the photos as opposed to the title

  • Missed tabs

  • Missed action button initially

  • Coming at it from a student-led mentality

  • Took a long time to notice the run event button -

  • Clicked on youtube link before anything else


  • Modified the event title to include te reo maori as a title

  • Understood event template / concept of putting it into the system

  • Modified description to include te reo maori


  • Would use photo of their kids for event photo

  • Would get ideas from staff and students before filling in specific skills section

  • Understood tags

  • Save functionality?


After event creation / event template used to create an event


Invite friends and family

  • Expected some way to see some form of advert that they could share

  • Newsletter, Facebook, Messenger, Radio expected


Spreading the word

  • 125 year anniversary next year

  • Ring locals or to face to face updates

  • Use radio

  • Elders would only find out via radio / face to face

  • Social media for immediate whanau

  • Most parents are on facebook

  • Messenger for parents

  • Principal doesnt have Facebook, but they communicate with 90% of parents through facebook messenger


Communicating it throughout the school

  • Would tell rest of staff at the team meeting

  • Google drive

  • Google school

  • Would delegate running it to a staff member




Principal perspective

Reciprocating the volunteer effort by providing the volunteers an experience as well

Would only do yr 5 6 7

Or trial year 7 8 only

Once they have set a date - ring the marae and confirm if they wanted to use the marae as a venue

To set date, they would pull out year planner and look for free slots - weather as well

-Interesting that she used a paper planner as opposed to google calendar

Look at learning outcomes for each term


Hook in to learning outcomes set for the term, or do it at the start/end of the term as a special day unrelate to learning outcomes for the term


Principal leadership advisor and mentor

Paper event planner


Cultural competency

  • what should volunteers know? No expectation from principal - just let them know there will be a welcoming ceremony

  • If whole school at marae then yes - full powhiri

  • If just a classroom might just be a whakatau - mihi