1912 - VLY Alpha/Beta Template Draft

1912 - VLY Alpha/Beta Template Draft



Voluntarily - teacher flow usability testing

Testing Date/s

December 2019




Success Metrics

  • Time taken to complete each task

  • # Tasks completed







Results / Notes

Intro & Qualifiers

  • Introduce yourself, but don’t try to explain the platform or tell them what to do

  • Reiterate that this is not a test of their ability

  • Reiterate that this is a very early field trial - nothing is final

  • You have heard that you can bring volunteers to help you on voluntarily, and your principal has approved it.

  • As part of getting volunteers to your school, you need to activate your school and create an Inspiring the Future event on the Voluntarily platform. We have sent you an email which start you on this journey. Please open and click the link provided.

  • Brief them on teacher role - ask them to complete the following tasks step by step

    • Access email and sign up

    • Create account

    • Complete school profile

    • Find an ITF activity to run

    • Create an ITF event with a date and location

    • Accept a volunteer

    • Close activity

    • Provide feedback


Begin Test

  • Run test

    • Guide subject back if they stray too far off ie: youtube or off the site

    • If they ask you how to do something, ask them what they think they should do instead of giving them the answer.

    • Two person op

      • One person watches and prompts subject for thoughts

      • Second person note takes and keeps time

Access email and sign up | Time:
Create account | Time:
Complete school profile | Time:
Find an ITF activity to run | Time:
Create an ITF event with a date and location | Time:
Accept a volunteer | Time:
Close activity | Time:
Provide feedback  | Time:






Need a way to fake volunteer applications for test on beta

End Test

  • Ask subject to fill SUS survey

  • Follow up with notes from test



  • Thank user for time

  • Compensation (if applicable)

  • Reset for next subject




Optional questions


Day to day /Current :

  • What are you currently struggling with / what are their most pressing pain points in your day to day role?

  • How are you currently supported when teaching something unfamiliar or new?


Process / Bureaucracy

  • What is the current process for bringing a guest speaker into the school?

  • What is the current process for bringing volunteers in?



STEM & Digital Readiness

  • Do you know about the new curriculum change?

  • What are teachers currently doing to bring STEM into the classroom?

    • How about career options?

  • Do you feel ready to teach the digital technologies curriculum?

    • What about your peers?

    • How could the transition be easier? What kind of support would you prefer?