



noun: content; plural noun: contents

  1. the things that are held or included in something.

From latin Contena - things contained

In Voluntari.ly content is knowledge and information that has been structured in a manner to make it digestible to its intended audience.

Content is a wide catch all term for all the stuff that we make available for the learning experience.  It mainly consists of learning materials in a variety of forms but may also include

  • Things - equipment etc required to carry out a project
  • Spaces / Places - room to do the project, or some projects require specific locations
  • People - projects need helpers, and possibly subjects.

Content Provider

Anyone - volunteer, corporate, teacher, or specialised company that collect together content into a project and make it available on V.ly



noun: project; plural noun: projects;


  1. an individual or collaborative enterprise that is carefully planned to achieve a particular aim.
  2. "a research project"
    • a piece of research work undertaken by a school or college student.
    • "a history project"

In V.ly a project is a package of learning materials ready for use in a school.

Projects are composed of

  • Project content
  • Project metadata

Project Content is the collection of materials, written docs, videos, that are actually used to achieve the learning goal.

Project Metadata is the descriptive information that tells people about the content and its appropriate use.

  • Name
  • Description
  • Age group relevance
  • Subject area
  • Illustration image
  • Provider details
  • Dependencies
  • Requirements
  • Tags
  • Badges