High School Teachers - Current Workflow

High School Teachers - Current Workflow

As a teacher not in management at the start of the school year...

Before year starts

I don't have to do anything unless I want to change an achievement task

I will typically receive a unit outline from my manager
A unit outline is a breakdown of...

  • learning outcomes
  • Specific activities I need to do with my lass
  • list of standards I need to run my class by - and they have to completed and marked by X date

I avoid planning anything until I meet my kids and evaluate capabilities

First day of schoolFirst day of school for the year
First week of schoolStart with an exam, evaluate capability of students - this is largely informed by last year's exam

Create visible planning doc that covers...

  • Specific learning outcomes, learning activities, questions, practice questions
  • Cool activities that help teach concepts - she either makes them or finds them provided they match learning outcomes

I adjust timelines based on how quickly the class learns in my doc so that we can cover as much ground as possible

Sometime during the term

I might bring in an expert to talk about something - the process here typically goes like this:

  • Find friend / scour network 2 weeks before event
  • Ask them to come in
  • They come in
  • They talk about stuff for an hour
  • They leave

usually police vetting is done atm for talks like these given that as a teacher I am there - also person is within my circle

  • Almost every school surveyed does this - web of trust atm ie(If the person is in my circle, they can be trusted)
6 weeks before an internal
(2-3 weeks)

Teaching the content for the internal - expert / activities would come in here (Vly has best chance of things happening here)

3 weeks before an internal
(1-2 weeks)

practice / full practice with loads of feedback

1 week of internalSupervising students / not allowed to help them

8 Weeks before ExternalLearning, practice, questions
Mock Exams
Real External at end of year

If I wanted to change something I taught, I evaluate...
  • Judgement schedules provide examples for X grade ie: excellence is justifying your opinion and this is what this looks like
  • Marking schedule
    • Sometimes included in exemplars
    • Quite literally how to grade
  • Examplars of standards, answers etc
    • Read title of achievement standard, and what each grade requires
    • Refer to NZQA clarification - this provides more guidance about what you can and cant do while teaching this standard - also tells you how much help you are allowed to give
    • Refer to exemplar tasks and they should get a judgement schedule and a marking schedule